Annales de geographie

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  Annales de geographie
Country: France

Publisher: Armand Colin

ISBN: 0003-4010

Study Uncovers Serious Side Effects From Common Dementia Drugs
Several antipsychotic treatments given to patients with dementia have been linked to serious side effects including heart failure, a study published Thursday has found.

The body types that raise the risk of colon cancer - which is rising rapidly in young people, according to new study
A team of researchers in six countries, including the US and UK, found that people who are generally obese or tall with an 'apple' shape were at an increased risk of colorectal cancer.

Adaptation of photosynthetic mechanism in air plants occurs through gene duplication, study finds
Researchers at the University of Vienna, along with collaborators from France, Germany, Switzerland and the U.S., have achieved a breakthrough in understanding how genetic drivers influence the ...

Cell contraction drives the initial shaping of human embryos, study finds
Human embryo compaction, an essential step in the first days of an embryo's development, is driven by the contractility of its cells. This is the finding of a team of scientists from CNRS, Institut ...

How Climate Change Could Disrupt the Future of Travel, According to a New Study
Better weather is one reason people travel. However, a new study suggests that a limited number of “outdoor days” could impact where they decide to go.

Archaeologists Find Neolithic Skeletons Unearthed in France Likely Killed 'Mafia-Style'
Researchers believe they have pieced together the horrific cause of death for the skeletal remains of two women unearthed from an archaeological site in southwest France, who lived more than 5,500 ...

Paleo diet? Study reveals new insight on what Stone Age humans really ate
A long-held stereotype is that ancient humans were big on meat. A new study suggests more plant-based foods were on the menu.

Ancient skeletons unearthed in France disclose Italian Mafia-style killings
Over 5,500 years ago, two women were tied up and probably buried alive in a ritual sacrifice in France using a form of torture associated today with the Italian Mafia, an analysis of skeletons ...

England tops global chart for child alcohol use – study
In one of the largest studies of its kind, the World Health Organisation examined data for 280,000 children from 44 countries.

Climate change is coming for our incomes, study warns. Which countries will lose out the most?
In Europe, southern countries like Spain and Italy will bear the brunt of declining incomes, while Arctic-adjacent nations could benefit.

What Does France’s ‘Ban’ On Fast Fashion Really Mean?
France wants to ban fast fashion but what does that really mean? This is your guide to the country's fast fashion bill.

Near-Earth asteroid was once part of the moon, scientists say. And now they’ve found the crater it left behind
An unusual asteroid traveling near Earth is thought to be a chunk of the moon, but exactly how it ended up zooming through the solar system has remained a mystery. Now, researchers say they’ve made a ...