Annales de la recherche urbaine

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  Annales de la recherche urbaine
Country: France

Publisher: Lavoisier

ISBN: 0180-930X

Study Uncovers Serious Side Effects From Common Dementia Drugs
Several antipsychotic treatments given to patients with dementia have been linked to serious side effects including heart failure, a study published Thursday has found.

Archaeologists Find Neolithic Skeletons Unearthed in France Likely Killed 'Mafia-Style'
Researchers believe they have pieced together the horrific cause of death for the skeletal remains of two women unearthed from an archaeological site in southwest France, who lived more than 5,500 ...

Consumption of certain food additive emulsifiers associated with risk of developing type 2 diabetes: Study
In Europe and North America, 30 to 60% of dietary energy intake in adults comes from ultra-processed foods. An increasing number of epidemiological studies suggest a link between higher ...

Study: Climate change to wreck global income by 2050
A study by the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) published in the scientific journal Nature on Wednesday claimed that climate change is poised to wipe out some 20% of global GDP by ...

Cell contraction drives the initial shaping of human embryos, study finds
Human embryo compaction, an essential step in the first days of an embryo's development, is driven by the contractility of its cells. This is the finding of a team of scientists from CNRS, Institut ...

How Climate Change Could Disrupt the Future of Travel, According to a New Study
Better weather is one reason people travel. However, a new study suggests that a limited number of “outdoor days” could impact where they decide to go.

Ancient skeletons unearthed in France disclose Italian Mafia-style killings
Over 5,500 years ago, two women were tied up and probably buried alive in a ritual sacrifice in France using a form of torture associated today with the Italian Mafia, an analysis of skeletons ...

Paleo diet? Study reveals new insight on what Stone Age humans really ate
A long-held stereotype is that ancient humans were big on meat. A new study suggests more plant-based foods were on the menu.

Plastic industry is heating up Earth's atmosphere TWICE as fast as the global airline industry, study claims
Plastic waste gets lots of attention, but producing plastics actually produces more planet-heating greenhouse gases than the airline industry and coal-fired powerplants - notoriously bad sources.

New study calculates climate change's economic bite will hit about $38 trillion a year by 2049
A new study says climate change will reduce future global income by about 19% in the next 25 years compared to a fictional world that’s not warming, with the poorest areas and those least responsible ...

Study links placenta to development of gestational diabetes
The placenta could be one reason why some women develop gestational diabetes during pregnancy, a new study finds.

Climate change is coming for our incomes, study warns. Which countries will lose out the most?
In Europe, southern countries like Spain and Italy will bear the brunt of declining incomes, while Arctic-adjacent nations could benefit.