Acta ethnographica hungarica

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  Acta ethnographica hungarica
Country: Hungary

Publisher: Akademiai Kiado

ISBN: 1216-9803

Study Investigates Early Medieval Animal Burial in Hungary
Read the original scholarly article about this research in International Journal of Osteoarchaeology. For more on Hungarian archaeology, go to "Letter From Hungary: The Search for the Sultan's Tomb." ...

Sex and marriage patterns in an ancient empire revealed by DNA
Ancient DNA reveals new details about the Avars, warriors who built an empire that ruled Central and Eastern Europe for 250 years from the mid-sixth century.

Why Is Viktor Orban Keeping The 100-Year-Old Treaty Of Trianon Alive?
According to a 2020 poll, conducted by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and independent pollster Soreco Research Kft on the centenary of ... She has previously reported for Vice, The Calvert Journal, ...

Does your dog understand when you say 'fetch the ball'? A new study in Hungary says yes
A new study in Hungary shows that dogs, beyond being able to respond to ... The study, which has been peer reviewed, was published last Friday in the science journal “Current Biology.” It involved 18 ...

Hungary’s Light Industrial Boom Continues Apace
The total industrial stock in Hungary is still relatively small compared to the major Central European industrial markets such as Poland, the Czech Republic and, increasingly, Romania. However, a ...

1/3 of White-collar Employees Work From Home 1-2 Days/Week
More than a third of Hungarian white-collar workers work from home for at least one or two days, according to Hungary's first nationwide representative productivity research by META-INF, which ...

Karl Polanyi against the ‘free market’ dystopia
Sixty years on from Polanyi’s death and 80 since his classic text appeared, it is time to reassess the Hungarian social scientist’s legacy.

Mysterious Stars at The Heart of The Milky Way Hide a Dark Secret
Legend has it that 16th-century Hungarian countess Elizabeth Báthory had a gruesome method for retaining her youthful beauty.

Want to be more productive at work? Aim for a state of creative 'flow'
A study published in the journal Neuropsychologia advises taking inspiration from jazz musicians to maximise our cognitive abilities ...

Taxing unhealthy food helps cut obesity, says global study
Mexico is leading the way in implementing taxes on unhealthy food options, successfully helping to tackle obesity and related health issues.

Your dog understands you better than you think
Our dogs understand us better than they’ve been given credit for — and scientists say they have the brain wave evidence to prove it.